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Leonard Hatred 12:58 Wed Mar 29
Owning a racing greyhound
Talk to me.

Thinking of getting one. You can buy them from £300+, £8 a day in kennels/training, earns £40 per race,£120 per win.

Anyone on here with any experience of this?

Furnish me with wisdom.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Billy Go Wings 12:40 Sun Apr 2
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
One of ours just won at Romford A1 5/2favourite.
One win virtually pays the months Kennel bill.

Darby_ 8:43 Thu Mar 30
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Greyhound racing would be better if they had little trained monkeys riding on their backs beating them with a riding crop. I'd watch that.

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 2:11 Thu Mar 30
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
We made a pact that we'd make sure that our dogs were rehomed after they retired. Lots of horror stories out there.

Northern Sold 2:02 Thu Mar 30
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Been known for years about mutilated (ears taken off so they cannot be traced via their tattoos) greyhounds being dumped dead on Irish beaches and rivers.... google it... 100's of cases....

Ron Greensward 12:13 Thu Mar 30
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Just don't do it. Between UK and Ireland 30000 greyhounds leave the track/dont even make it every year. 3000 are revoked. You guess what happens to the rest.

gph 11:39 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Greyhounds are traitors to dogdom.

Their tiny heads make it clear how small the canine brain is...

Coffee 11:24 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Lertie Button 11:05 Wed Mar 29

A night mare...?

Leonard Hatred 11:14 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Yeah but blud, horses is different fam innit blud.

Lertie Button 11:05 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Remember John Francome saying the cheapest bit of buying a race horse was the day you paid for it.
The ongoing cost of keeping and maintening it and training fees and vet fees ect made it a night mare

Son of Anarchy 9:05 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Greyhounds is an awfull sport as Irish says, had shares in horses before. One we lost on one we broke even on.

Going to get involved again at Santa Anita at some point in the future.

Nurse Ratched 8:43 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound

Thank you, that rather delighted me.

Billy Go Wings 8:01 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Depends if you want a hobby or to make money, I'd suggest do it as a hobby!

I've had greyhounds at Harringay, Crayford, Walthamstow, Hackney, Harlow and currently Romford.

Do it as a group, don't spend fortunes, it's a nice hobby.

Feed Me Chicken 6:51 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
I used to own a racing snail, to make him go faster I took his shell off but all it ended up doing was making him more sluggish......

Irish Hammer 6:37 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound

My brothers and I had huge money invested in dogs for several years, won the biggest races

Bought and sold multiple dogs for 20k plus each etc etc

Its a cunt of a game, stay away. Also its very negative via the exposure it gives you to gambling etc

Hani 6:16 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
What name would give the greyhound?

Biggie Biggs 5:59 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Unless you have a top top dog , there is absolutely no money to be made

MTC 4:07 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Mate used to have one and said you have it purely as a hobby as there was no money in it.

Far Cough 3:29 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Just finished a nice Greyhound sandwich

ManorParkHammer 3:28 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Hopefully as a society we are moving forward and away from the routine abuse of animals for our entertainment.

Northern Sold 2:44 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Laziest bastards I have ever known... complete and utter couch potatoes....

Grumpster 2:37 Wed Mar 29
Re: Owning a racing greyhound
Leonard Hatred 1:38 Wed Mar 29

Kennels on the A127 near the A130 turn off, as a few there?

Ours was housed in Bersheda there with Alison Ingram. Wasn't overly keen on her, seemed like a dodgy fucker.

Walking them is great until they see something move. Both powerful and obviously silly quick, so hilarious if you're little weak mate has the lead when they bolt off like we had :o)

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